Staying Fit During the Holidays
Healthy Habits for Staying in Shape over Christmas Break.

As we enter Christmas Break and its subsequent festivities, it is important to separate our feast days from our feast days. Sure the Christmas season brings parties replete with festive hors d’oeuvres, tasty cocktail weenies, and mini bundt cakes followed by Christmas Day, bringing Spiral Honey Ham, succulent TurDucken, and Dr. Seuss-sized Roast Beast, but moderation and discernment are essential tenets of our faith as well.
In addition to the nogs, lattes, and ciders of the Season, many of our BT student-athletes will be hydrating with waters, teas, and isotonic and adding more walks, workouts, and warrior yoga pose to their break.
This couldn’t be more true for Blessed Trinity Varsity athletes Cate Wright and Austin Bearup. Playing Volleyball and Football respectively, both athletes work tirelessly on training both in and out of their seasons. Since starting Varsity athletics, both students have extensive knowledge of how to keep themselves in shape during any break.
“I’m staying in shape over the break by trying to get in workouts every day whether it is running or lifting weights, I make it my goal to stay active,” says Bearup, who hopes to continue BT’s football playoff run into the New Year.
A break can be detrimental to the success of any athlete, with the fear of a competitor outworking you in today’s always-on high school ranking system — especially when most athletes are looking toward a scholarship. Bearup explains, “As a player, you learn that any day you take off, there is someone out there who is not only outworking you but is becoming better than you.”
Cate Wright says it’s important to offset some of the fun foods with more activity. She is choosy about nutrition and knows the effects of processed foods or sugary snacks on her game, “What I eat is more important than exercising. If I’m eating sugary items or processed foods, I don’t perform as well on the court.”
Bearup agrees: “What you eat can affect the overall outcome of your workout. “An eating plan is crucial to staying healthy. Whether you are trying to gain or lose weight there are foods you can choose to help you put on weight or lose weight quicker.”
These health benefits don’t only go for varsity athletes, any person trying to stay fit or start their fitness goals can take a multitude of tips to start their fitness journey. The physical benefits come close to the mental benefits when working out, says Kate. “I love working out because it helps me feel better about myself, especially when I’m able to see the benefits I have been working for.”
Getting in shape can be as easy as a productive hang-out with a friend, like going on a run together, or working out together. “When I get to work out with my friends, it helps with my productivity,” says Wright. “Coming back from break I never feel far behind when I’m working out casually with my teammates.”
Variety is important too — and these athletes attribute other sports to their physical wellbeing. Bearup explains his love of basketball, saying, “Other than football I love playing basketball to stay in shape, it’s a fun and easy game to play with friends and it helps me with cardio.”
In summary, here are some tips from Cate and Austin to eat right and stave off the Christmas Break Blahs…
Input is as important as output — watch what you eat and make sure you keep up your activity level.
Connect on the Court, not on the Couch — playtime — Basketball, Football, Pickleball offers multiple benefits with Family and Friends.
Write down your goals — Especially with New Year’s Resolutions — commitments in writing are harder to break.
Mental Health counts too — enjoy your time away from homework, tests, and competition. Read a good book or re-connect with an old friend. Take your Pet — or your Parents — out for a walk.
Wishing you a Happy Healthy Holiday Break from BT Athletics!

Tighe Russell is a senior and the editor of the Athletic Achievement section of the Titan Times. He's involved in football announcing, student ambassadors,...