Why We Love Mrs. Todd

Whether you have heard her name in the swarms of students around the snack table near campus ministry, received a wave and a smile from her in the hall, or enjoyed her music in the lunch line, Mrs. Todd has impacted us all. Everyone who interacts with her for even a minute walks away smiling, and her positive energy has brightened Blessed Trinity for years. Working as the Administrative Assistant for campus ministry, she has affected co-workers and students alike. “Kelly Todd is the heart and soul of campus ministry,” says Deacon Avery, who remembers his first day at Blessed Trinity and meeting Mrs. Todd, being greeted with great energy and bountiful ideas for how to improve faith life at BT.
Although Mrs. Todd has positively impacted her co-workers, her real joy comes from the students. “Simply said, I love being at BT because you guys are at BT!” Mrs. Todd says, “I love you all like you were mine!” This affection goes both ways, with students such as Lauren Foss, who passionately stated, “She always has the brightest smile I’ve ever seen and never fails to make my spirits rise when I’m having a tough day.” One of the best ways Mrs. Todd spreads her love and positivity is through her baked goods. “Feeding you guys is my love language and baking is my own source of joy and stress relief!” Mrs. Todd exclaimed. Although not present this year, Mrs. Todd’s snack table was a source of happiness for much of the student body. Starting off small, her baked goods gained quick popularity and soon, swaths of students made their way to campus ministry for a between-class snack. Providing the bountiful cakes, cookies, and brownies herself, Mrs. Todd created a space of calm amongst the chaos of school. Another student eager to speak on their love for Mrs. Todd is her very own son, HB Todd. HB has the privilege of being related to her and shows his respect and appreciation for his mom as he commented, “My mom has impacted me by being a great role model of service that I can base my life around when I get older.” Mrs. Todd is an amazing example of joy, faith, and love of life, making sure every student feels appreciated and happy, no matter how bad their day is going.
From bringing new ideas and energy to campus ministry to feeding hundreds of students and lighting up the halls of Blessed Trinity, Mrs. Todd is loved and missed by the students. Although not present in the hallways, she still has left a reputation and a model that each student should work to follow. Students eagerly await her return, when once again they can get that kind word, a warm hug, and nice snack during a stressful day. The love and appreciation for Mrs. Todd in this school cannot be expressed in words. Deacon Avery summed it up best when he said, “Kelly Todd is the heart and soul of campus ministry and there is no replacing her. It will be a wonderful day [when she comes] back.” From the students, Mrs. Todd, we love and miss you. We are constantly praying for you, and we cannot wait for you to come back.