How Our Faith Encourages To Protect and Celebrate Black History

February. A month of love. A month of fasting and prayer. A month of celebration.
In just a mere 28 ( possibly 29) days, we celebrate the love that we have for each other, sacrifice our earthly pleasures for an eternal relationship, and revere a marginalized culture for all of its greatness. And as the month comes to an end, it is necessary to reflect on its importance; specifically how it addresses Black History.
This month is meant to reminisce on the triumphs and tribulations of the black community while honoring the cultural icons that have empowered it. This month brings to light information that tends to be left out of our history books or overlooked in our schools. It’s a month where we bask in the glory of our black forefathers and those that have paved the way for our own lives today. Thus as we begin our Lenten journeys, it is vital to see how the role our faith plays in protecting and celebrating black history.
Every time we face obstacles our faith has been a shoulder to lean. We rely on the heartwarming reassuring words written in the bible or preached by our priest to get through bouts of stress or depression. And that faith has enabled us to want what is best for our brothers and sisters. According to “ No church has done more to care for our brothers and sisters in need than the Catholic Church.”
This is the faith that spurred Martin Luther King Jr. to march for our civil rights. It is what influenced fellow clergymen to kneel and pray alongside Dr. King on the concrete sidewalk of Edmund Pettus Bridge. And it is what has allowed for the necessary discussion and reverence of black history month in our Catholic Churches.
Column newspaper writes that “Black history is Catholic history and that even though Black Catholics only make up 4% of the people, they still are a part of the Catholic Community.”
Our history is intertwined and as practicing Catholics we are taught to celebrate and protect aspects of all catholic history, and black history is a part of that. Our faith brings us together and encourages us to fight for our community of Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American brothers and sisters, and to be a voice, loud amongst the chaos of racial injustice.
When asked about how our faith encourages us to celebrate Black History Month, BT’s own Chaplin Father Bob says, “Being Catholics, we recognize the value and dignity of every person and culture, and all members of Christ’s Church should be celebrated. It is with the many different races and cultures that lead to the betterment of the Church, and that deserves a celebration!”
By adhering to the principles of our faith we realize that we are called to honor Black History Month. We are called to read excerpts about black Catholics like Pope Victor I, listen to historical sermons from black priests like Augustus Tolton and respect the black figureheads like Mother Mary Lange, that have been guided by the Catholic faith.
As a community, we are making more strides to celebrate and even positively impact black history. Augustus Tolton, the first Roman Catholic Priest from the Vatican, is currently in the process to become the first black saint. Former Archbishop, Wilton Gregory, just recently made history when he became the first Black American to be appointed a cardinal in the Catholic church.
These small yet meaningful achievements have allowed for more milestones in the black community and greatly impacted our Catholic History as well. Thus showing how along with finding our Valentine, and abstaining from meat on Fridays, we must also protect and proclaim Black History Month.

Bernadine Kumi is a current senior at Blessed Trinity. She is the section editor of spiritual formation in the Titan Times. She is president of Titan of...