The New Titans: Welcoming the Class of 2025

Blessed Trinity gained many new faces this fall. With these faces, come new personalities and talents presented into our school environment. This freshman class arrived during a challenging year, having to learn how to navigate their new lifestyles as well as to adapt to the recent changes. 

Freshman Abby Biddar, who came from neighboring Queen of Angels, said, “It is not much of a change so far [for her] since I know most of the people, and so far BT was everything I expected.”

On the other hand, her friend, Anna Vicknair, said, “Adjusting to the change of BT was a lot harder than I thought it would be.” Vicknair did not know many people at all coming here, and she commented that BT is not a lot like her old school, Mount Bethel.

Both girls admired Sage as one of their top favorite things at BT. Vicknair stated, “I love the diverse food options given every day, and Sage definitely has been a highlight so far.” Biddar commented on how one of her “favorite things is the block schedule. The block schedule is a great system to space out classes and homework, especially for my extracurriculars.” Vicknair affirmed this by saying, “Coming from Mt. Bethel, I am not used to this extra detail, and I find it incredibly helpful.”

When asked what different activities they were thinking of participating in, there were a variety of responses. Karina Magnus mentioned her love for cheerleading. Magnus attested that “I already love cheer and cannot wait to start cheering in games for my classmates.”

Meredith Kane, daughter of new teacher Mr. Kane, told us she was not sure about sports, but Kane mentioned she was possibly looking to join a club.

Some students are taking their involvement the extra mile, with Michael O’ Fallon and Bailey Goodsell affirming that they might want to make their own club. Fallon and Goodsell were not quite sure yet on what they would make, but it is “to be determined,” said the young men. 

Mr. Opitz from the science department wanted to add on his opinion about teaching freshmen and how they have been so far this year. Opitz commented, “It is nice to see new faces, and I have enjoyed meeting the new students.” Opitz added, “The freshmen are great to teach, and I like learning about new students and seeing their friendly faces. I cannot wait to see how the school year goes, and I look forward to getting to know the students better.”

Often with change comes mild discomfort for most teenagers, but the freshmen are already kicking off the year with an amazing start. The BT community is honored to have this new class, who are clearly ready to make their mark in athletics, arts, academics, and spiritual life. Welcome Class of 2025!