Mr. Fason reads the Responsorial Psalm at Mass.
This year, a new face can be seen in the halls of Blessed Trinity. We are fortunate to have Mr. Fason, our newest assistant principal, joining the administrative team.
Mr. Fason comes from St. Jude the Apostle Catholic School and will be primarily working with the 10th graders throughout the year. Despite that, he has worked to get to know the entire school community in his first months here.
Mr. Fason is no stranger to BT. He and his wife have four daughters, aged 21-5, and his two oldest graduated from BT.
He graduated from and played golf for Georgia College and State University, where he received a degree in Health and Physical Education. He achieved a Masters in Educational Leadership while at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.
Mr. Fason was born in India but was raised on a 600-acre farm in Middle Georgia. “I consider my hometown to be Wrightsville, which is the Johnson County seat.”
He previously served in the United States Marine Corps. In his free time, he says, “I love fishing; playing golf; writing, playing, and singing music; as well as drawing and painting.” When asked if he has any secret talents Mr. Fason says, “I can make an awesome cricket sound.” How many people do you know who can make a sound like a cricket? He also can play the guitar and enjoys woodworking. Additionally, Mr. Fason is an extrovert. “My mother would say that I have never met a stranger,” so don’t be shy and ask him about that cricket chirp!
Mr. Fason’s favorite thing about BT is the community. “The whole community! Everyone has been so gracious and loving towards me. I enjoy getting to serve in all capacities, whether it is academics, arts, athletics or spiritual” replied Mr. Fason.. His advice for each grade is “9th – Make the most of your moments in any and everything you get to do, build relationships. 10th – Take what you learned last year and start to focus on the things you love. Strengthen your bonds with your friend groups and make new ones. 11th – Focus on your academics and start to make a plan for your future. You don’t have to know exactly what you are going to do, but at least start to formulate a plan with goals. 12th – Enjoy the ride. You are almost ready to take on the next level or chapter… These next moments will be the most impactful for who you will become and how you show up in the world. Be a voice for God and never be ashamed of where you came from and walk confidently where you are going!”
If Mr. Fason could say anything to his younger self it would be “Listen to those who have your best interest at heart. Speak to those who need a friend. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up, enjoy now, it’s pretty good!” Thank you, Mr. Fason, for your service and for being part of the BT community!